Kalamazoo Police Chief Uses Ignorance On Guns To Justify Joining Anti-Gun Group

posted on March 9, 2017

In joining the anti-gun group Americans For Responsible Solutions, the Kalamazoo, Mich., public safety chief revealed how little he knows about guns. 

In a Wednesday michiganlive.com feature, Chief Jeff Hadley said he couldn’t think of the benefit silencers would have to citizens seeking to defend themselves. (Apparently the chief thinks there’s time to put on ear protection during a home invasion.) Hadley also said, “I don’t think we want to give anyone the ability to attach a silencer that can’t be heard by law enforcement,” unaware that a suppressed AR-15 is still far louder than one of his police sirens

Hadley also voiced his opposition to the AR-15 platform, the most popular rifle in America: “I can’t for the life of me think of the practical reason why someone needs that type of weapon.” In contrast, more than 5 million lawful gun owners clearly see the benefits—as well as the 91 percent of his fellow police officers who oppose bans on such rifles.



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