Pop singer Justin Bieber has now officially weighed in on guns. And apparently it’s a pressing concern for him, as his first act as president would be to “fix” some of America’s gun laws. The example he would emulate: Canada, his home country.
“In Canada, we don’t really have any guns and there’s no gun violence, so that really solves it,” sums up Bieber. “I mean, they think that it’s for protection and stuff, but it always ends up in some bozo’s hand.”
We think the word he’s looking for here is “criminal,” not “bozo.” Criminals are the one common denominator, as they will always be armed regardless of the laws. But the 21-year-old musician, who’s had no shortage of run-ins with the law, joins every other privileged elitist who believes that guns are fine for him and his protection team, but not for law-abiding citizens like you and me.