Indiana Bill Would Ensure Safety Of Those Applying For Protective Orders

posted on February 21, 2017

An Indiana measure that would help ensure the safety of people who have petitioned for a civil protection order has passed the House Committee on Public Policy and will soon head to the House floor for consideration.

HB 1071 was sponsored by Republican state Rep. Sean Eberhart and would ensure that victims of domestic violence are not left defenseless while they’re at their most vulnerable—during the time between when they file a protective order, and when they gain approval for their concealed-carry permit. If passed, the law would allow petitioners of a civil protective order to temporarily carry a handgun without a permit.

HB 1071 would provide victims of domestic violence added protections against would-be abusers while also protecting our constitutional right to self-defense and due process. If a victim is in danger, it is even more important that they be allowed to protect themselves without delay.


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