I Defend The 2nd: Ronnie Barrett

posted on June 25, 2024

For more than 150 years, the NRA has been supporting the right to keep and bear arms. From training to competition to political action and more, the NRA has been at the forefront of the battle to preserve, protect and defend the Second Amendment. Today, we need your help to ensure that our great association continues to thrive. NRA Director Ronnie Barrett, designer of the Barrett M107 .50-cal. sniper rifle and founder of Barrett Firearms, explains in the video above just how critical your support is.

“I know the past few years have been difficult for a number of reasons,” Barrett said. “But through it all, NRA members have persevered, won big battles for our gun rights and continue to make it our mission to teach, defend and advance freedom in every corner of society.”

More than 72,000 members attended the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Dallas, Texas, from May 16-19, 2024. There, they heard former President Donald Trump speak to his commitment to protect the Second Amendment. They also saw an entirely new slate of leaders elected to the organization’s top positions.

“I couldn’t be more inspired by the new NRA leadership team that was elected at our meeting in Texas,” Barrett said. “With former Congressman Bob Barr as our new board president, along with several new board members. I’m very pleased with the election of our new CEO, Doug Hamlin. Doug is already taking our proud association in a direction that will guarantee that the sacred trust our members put in the NRA will never be broken.”

Today, the National Rifle Association is committed to good governance, fiscal responsibility and the fight to protect our Second Amendment rights. But the strength of our association is in its members. More than ever before, firearm owners across America need to band together to ensure that our God-given right to bear arms never fades away.

“I promise you, if you care about the future of freedom in this country, like I do, the most meaningful action you can take as an ordinary citizen like me is to join the extraordinary group of men and women who count themselves as NRA members,” Barrett said. “We are here. We're ready to fight for our freedoms, and we will win.”

Join NRA today.


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