We expect anti-gun nonsense from HuffPo, but Nancy Kaufman’s “Concealed Carry On College Campuses: What Could Possibly Go Wrong”—regarding sexual assault on campus—might’ve hit a new low.
Kaufman claims because acquaintances commit 90 percent of assaults, women might be reluctant to use guns. That’s irrelevant—campus carry allows armed self-defense; it doesn’t mandate it. Giving women the right-to-carry doesn’t rescind their right to run away, call for help, or fight back with fists or feet. Plus, there’s the other 10 percent to contend with.
She then says a man “truly intending harm” will probably wrest the gun from her. This argument is as sexist as it is tired: How often are men told that criminals “will just get your gun anyway”? Besides, studies of defensive gun uses by women show that guns are actually a great equalizer.
Fortunately, we don’t have to listen to Kaufman—many campuses have allowed carry for years. Unfortunately, we also know what can happen when women can’t defend themselves.