It’s impossible to miss that NRA News Commentator Colion Noir is angry in his new video, “How Not To Fix Inner-City Gun Violence.” Illinois members of the U.S. House of Representatives held a demonstration protesting gun violence across the nation; meanwhile, says Noir, they turned a blind eye to the causes of the city’s ballooning homicide rate.
Four hundred and sixty-eight homicides were reported in the city in 2015, and this year is on track to surpass that number.
“That’s damn near an Orlando terror attack every single month in that city,” Noir said. “Ask yourself, where in Chicago do you think a vast majority of these homicides happened? It sure as hell isn’t Chicago Federal Plaza—home to a 53-foot flamingo sculpture and seasonal farmer’s market, according to Google—where they had this moronic aggregation of anti-gun stupidity they call a ‘National Day of Action.’”
The necessary, and obvious, criminal justice reform steps have no appeal for many of the politicians pursuing gun control.Noir says that the politicians who clamor for more gun control every time a mass shooting occurs aren’t completely oblivious to the faceless victims of inner-city violence; on the contrary, they’re very happy to employ them as statistics and pretend that putting more roadblocks in front of the Second Amendment would have somehow saved them. They use the suffering of their constituents to advance their own agenda.
“You politicians don’t represent these communities—you’re political parasites, where your political career thrives on exploiting the conditions in these places.”
The necessary, and obvious, criminal justice reform steps have no appeal for many of the politicians pursuing gun control. They may even agitate for the early release of felons onto the streets. They aren’t interested in prosecuting illegal possession of firearms, just in making them difficult to acquire for law-abiding citizens.
“You need people like me—a gun owner and NRA member—so you can point your finger and say, ‘That’s the bad guy. People like him are why there’s so much violence in the inner city—not because Illinois Democrats have failed to improve an education system that functions more like a halfway house than a learning institution; not because they’ve failed to provide economic stability for their inner-city constituency who live so far below the poverty line, the only option they see is a life of crime or abusing drugs to escape their reality. And not because they foster and exploit an unhealthy dependency on a government system whose existence depends on inner-city depravity. Not because, of the more than 294 gun deaths in Chicago this year, they’ve only brought charges on less than 20 percent of the cases. No, it’s because there’s not enough gun-control laws.’”
Colion Noir’s scathing critique of anti-gun politicians in Chicago and beyond is an instant classic—and it’s something that Americans especially need to hear with the presidential election coming this fall. Please watch it and share it with those who need to hear the truth.
This video is available, along with a complete transcript, here.