Fresh off her unexpected drubbing by Donald Trump in last fall’s presidential race—a result orchestrated largely by disgruntled gun owners wishing to keep their Second Amendment rights—Hillary Clinton is jumping right back into the gun control game.
On Monday, Clinton sent a blast email to supporters asking them to sign up for, and donate to, her newest venture, Onward Together. Clinton specified Swing Left, Emerge America, Color of Change, Indivisible and Run for Something as the five groups Onward Together will initially support.
While Clinton didn’t mention gun control specifically, it’s likely nobody will be surprised that all the groups she singled out are involved in pushing for more restrictive gun laws. Swing Left is working to remove several staunchly pro-gun members of Congress, Emerge America has Demanding Mom Shannon Watts on its board of directors, Color of Change has advocated for closing various sales “loopholes” and worked against the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch, Indivisible favors more restrictive gun control measures and other liberal causes, and Run For Something lists support for gun control as one of the issues candidates must have for that group's support.