After a Connecticut judge dismissed a lawsuit Friday that sought to blame Remington Arms for the tragic school shooting at Sandy Hook—which was committed with a firearm that was lawfully sold, but stolen by the killer from his mother, whom he also murdered—Hillary Clinton tweeted, “It’s incomprehensible that our laws would protect gun makers over Sandy Hook families. We need to fix this.”
Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis found that the lawsuit “falls squarely” within the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act’s prohibition against frivolous lawsuits directed at the U.S. firearm industry.
Clinton has vowed to revoke that federal law, allowing big-city mayors and others to blame and punish U.S. firearm manufacturers and dealers—even absent any violation of the law—for crimes they have no reasonable way to anticipate. If that happens, even if gun makers prevail in court, the legal defense fees could drive gun prices through the roof or the industry out of business.