I know you’ve heard me talk about how important this year’s midterm elections are to the future of the Second Amendment. You’ve probably heard the same dire warning from any number of people who support our right to keep and bear arms. There are countless races where the outcome will likely be decided by the narrowest of margins, and control of Congress, most state legislatures and 36 governors’ mansions are on the line.
In other words, every pro-gun vote—including yours—will be critical.
First, and most importantly, please make sure you are registered to vote. If there is any question as to whether your voter registration is current, go to triggerthevote.org/register-to-vote/.
But your vote is not all that will help ensure our success on Election Day. There are many activities you can do prior to Nov. 8, and I want to take a moment to let you know how you can help NRA-ILA secure our rights for future generations.
Success on Election Day comes from all the months of hard work that lead up to the election.
While your vote is critical, so are the votes of your friends, family members and other Second Amendment supporters. The only way we are going to win all the battleground races this fall is to make sure all likeminded voters are informed, engaged and, again, most importantly, voting.
To deliver wins for the Second Amendment this fall, it’s critical that the NRA-ILA Grassroots army is strong.
Success on Election Day comes from all the months of hard work that lead up to the election. It’s that hard work that NRA members are known for and deliver in election cycle after election cycle.
One of NRA-ILA Grassroots’ strongest and most effective programs is our FrontLines Volunteer Program. This program gives you the opportunity to engage voters by knocking on doors, distributing yard signs, making phone calls, sending text messages and filling out post cards. Every election cycle provides numerous opportunities for volunteer work. Whether you’d like to help host a campaign event or NRA Second Amendment day, or simply help register voters at a local gun show, there is plenty of work to be done.
But our Volunteer Program cannot succeed without good leadership.
At the tip of the spear of our FrontLines Volunteer program are NRA-ILA FrontLines activists leaders (FALs). This fall, these volunteers will work with NRA staff to coordinate and implement NRA-ILA activities and programs dedicated to electing pro-freedom candidates. Their primary objective will be to get NRA members and gun owners in their area engaged in the fight to deliver Second Amendment victories.
FALs are true leaders, and have a high level of organization and dedication to support ILA’s campaign efforts, as well as our legislative agenda at the federal, state and local level. Does that sound like you? Maybe you can look into taking on the role of FAL for your area, if one is not already in place.
FALs also work with ILA Campaign Field Representatives (CFRs), our team deployed to key battleground states where success on Election Day will hinge on the level of commitment from NRA members like you. You can read about some of the battleground states and key races in other articles in this and other NRA publications.
And, as we always do each election cycle, we will be informing NRA members where candidates stand on the Second Amendment, and which ones have the support of the NRA-Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF). Be sure to keep an eye out for information on endorsed candidates on the NRA-PVF website or the hunter-orange postcards we send every election year.
Look, every election cycle, you are told how important that particular Election Day is. And they are all important. But I am in no way exaggerating when I say this one is of extreme importance for the future of the Second Amendment.
We have a man in the White House who has made it clear he wants to destroy the Second Amendment, and he has the full support of the current House and Senate majority leadership. If the Second Amendment is to survive the last two years of this disastrous administration, our best hope is to elect pro-gun representatives and senators to take control of Congress from the anti-gun extremists currently holding the reins.
Every election year, this important burden is borne by NRA members who volunteer to do the heavy lifting. We owe it to those members who came before us and those who will come after to ensure that our right to keep and bear arms is protected at the ballot box. Join me.
Stand and Fight!