Last Tuesday, President Obama commuted the sentences of 79 criminals convicted of drug-related crimes. If you’ve bought into the Left’s narrative surrounding Obama’s recent commutations—that they’ve applied to drug users, and that their purpose was to bring excessive sentences for victimless crimes back within the realm of reason—allow us to shed some light.
Despite the stereotypical image of the hapless college student caught with a joint in his pocket, these criminals specialized almost exclusively in harder drugs. In fact, out of the 79 commutations, only six were for offenses related to marijuana—and all of those also included charges for harder drugs. However, while the drugs they were found with ranged from heroin to PCP to crack cocaine to methamphetamine, with a single exception, the offenders all had one thing in common—their offenses all included the word “distribution.” That’s right: They weren’t drug users, they were drug dealers (and, in at least four cases, drug manufacturers.)
Worst of all, 15 of the 79—nearly 20 percent—of the criminals had been convicted of gun-related offenses … suggesting that Obama only sees guns as a threat when they’re in the hands of the law-abiding.