Incited by the gun-control lobby’s reckless suggestions on social media, anti-gun zealots are now “SWATing”—calling police and reporting them as if they were violent criminals—lawful citizens who choose to openly carry firearms, potentially putting their lives in danger.
On its Facebook page, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence urges, “If you see someone carrying a firearm in public and have ANY doubts about their intent, call 911 immediately and ask police to come to the scene.” Worse, their followers are even urging the public to report violent crimes in progress when they see lawfully armed citizens, clearly hoping to see them arrested or shot.
This isn’t just wasteful and reckless, like calling in a false fire alarm. And it’s not merely a disturbing sign of a new intolerance and hatred directed against Second Amendment activists that’s corrosive to our rights. It’s dangerous. It’s illegal. And its perpetrators should be prosecuted.