Gretchen Wilson Is NRA Country

posted on September 8, 2024
Gretchen Wilson
Photo: David “Doc” Abbott

NRA Country artist Gretchen Wilson probably needs no introduction. With one hit song after another, from her first single, “Redneck Woman,” to her latest, “Little Miss Runner Up,” she’s sold more than 10 million albums, earned 11 major music awards (including a Grammy), created her own label (Redneck Records) and just keeps on rolling. But Gretchen still kindly took time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions from NRA Country’s Vanessa Shahidi.

VS: We are so excited you have new music out! Tell us about “Little Miss Runner Up.”
GW: “Little Miss Runner Up” follows the same girl we all know and love to roll our eyes at! It’s a follow-up song to my “Homewrecker” single, which I wrote with the same songwriters, Rivers Rutherford and George Teren.

VS:“Redneck Woman” is a theme song for so many of us out there, including myself. Do you write all your songs from life experiences?
GW: All of my songs come from life experiences, whether I wrote them or not. “Redneck Woman” is me. I still remember sitting in John Rich’s apartment and talking about not being like all of the other women who were singing country music at the time. John said, “Well, what are you?” and I said, “I guess I’m just a redneck woman.” John said, “Let’s write that.” It’s hard to believe that song came out 20 years ago!

VS: Tell us about the best female artist that you had the pleasure performing with?
GW: I hate to single out one, but that reminds me of a great Dolly Parton story. I was a part of a Women of Country segment with her. I was talking to Dolly about what I was going to wear. I told her I wanted something like what she was wearing, and she said, “You can have these.” So, if you watch that show, I am literally wearing Dolly Parton’s pants!

VS: What does freedom mean to you?
GW: Freedom means everything to me. It means I get to do what I love to do for a living. When I tour, I cross state lines without being stopped. I have a vote in what happens in my city, state and country. I can carry a gun.

VS: You took a little break from touring and performing; what was the inspiration to come back now?
GW: I toured for many years—and I’m very thankful for that. But I really felt I needed to be a mom to my daughter, so I came off the road. During COVID, I broke my leg in two places—get this—dancing “Ring Around The Rosie” with a four-year-old at a friend’s wedding. Between that and long-COVID complications, I was knocked out for two years. This is the 20th anniversary of “Redneck Woman” and my “Here For The Party” album, so it felt like the right time to jump back in.

VS: What activities do you do with your daughter to pass on your love of
the outdoors?
GW: When Grace was younger, we had all kinds of animals. We watched life happen right there on our farm, and that was priceless. We also had a shooting range, so we shot targets and skeet.

VS: We are so proud to have you as NRA Life Member. What does that membership mean to you?
GW: I’ll never forget signing my lifetime membership in Nashville. It was an NRA event here with a bunch of artists. I was so proud of that and still am. No one protects any of our constitutional rights like the NRA protects the Second Amendment, and I am thankful for that!

NRA Country is a lifestyle and a bond between the country music community and hard-working Americans everywhere. It’s powered by pride, freedom, love of country, respect for the military and the responsibilities of protecting the great American life. For more information visit, follow us on Facebook @NRACountry, and NRA_Country on Instagram.


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