Today, Gov. Brian Kemp signed S.B. 319, constitutional carry, into law. Georgia is now the 25th constitutional carry state, and the fourth to join that group in 2022. Half of the country now recognizes the right of a law-abiding adult who is legally allowed to carry a concealed firearm, to do so without first having to obtain government permission. This ensures that citizens have the right to self-defense without government red tape or delays. Constitutional carry goes into effect immediately.
Gov. Kemp also signed H.B. 218, to grant universal recognition to concealed carry permits held by non-Georgia residents, issued by any other state. It also directs the Georgia Attorney General to enter into formal reciprocity agreements with any state that requires a formal agreement to recognize a Georgia Weapons Carry License. This reform recognizes that Georgia residents traveling to other states, and visitors to Georgia, should not be left defenseless simply by crossing a state line.
NRA thanks Gov. Kemp for signing these pro-self-defense bills into law, and also thanks Representative Mandi Ballinger, Senator Jason Anavitarte, Speaker David Ralston, Representatives Alan Powell, Rick Jasperse, and J. Collins, Senate President Pro Tempore Butch Miller, Senator Brian Strickland, all the cosponsors in each chamber, and GA2A for their hard work getting these bills to his desk.