Federal Bill Targets Law-Abiding Gun Owners

posted on May 30, 2015

Unable to pass any significant restrictive gun-control legislation over the past several years, some gun-banners in the U.S. Congress are becoming frustrated. The result: lawmakers introducing ridiculous bills aimed at law-abiding gun owners, while completely ignoring criminals.

U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., is an excellent example. Misleadingly titled the Firearm Risk Protection Act, Maloney’s newly introduced legislation would require gun owners to purchase liability insurance coverage before being allowed to purchase a firearm. Gun owners without insurance would face a $10,000 fine.

Of course, such a law would do nothing to curtail crime. Criminals, who don’t even acquire their guns through legal means, certainly wouldn’t take out an insurance policy on their illegal guns. Instead, such a law would be an expensive nuisance for law-abiding gun owners—likely exactly what Maloney had planned.



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