Pat Davis probably never had much of a chance to win a New Mexico congressional race. Why else would a candidate resort to using the F-word in a campaign ad—and not just willy-nilly, either. His spot opened up with him saying “F--- the NRA.”
Tucker Carlson wasted little time and didn’t mince words when he called Davis on the carpet. Davis didn’t exactly shine in that interview, brushing off questions that Carlson asked that he didn’t know the answer to and showing that he had little knowledge about guns, even though he boldly attacked the almost 6 million law-abiding gun owners who are members of the NRA.
In bowing out, Davis said, “[T]his year, progressives have a lot of good choices, and it is clear to me that by remaining divided, none of us will win.”
Leave it to a politician to come up with a meaningless, vanilla response for dropping out of a race when his stance on a key issue probably had more to do with his reality check.