Taking political correctness and anti-gun sentiment to a ridiculous new level, a travel guide published by the Washington, D.C., Convention and Sports Authority will no longer accept ads for the National Firearms Museum located at the NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, Va.
“I am writing again about the ad your team has recently submitted for the Destination DC’s Official Visitors Guide,” Claire Carlin, VP of partnerships & alliances of Destination DC, told NRA officials in an email quoted in the Washington Free Beacon. “We recognize the place that firearms have had in history, but have decided not to run any ads that depict weapons or ammunition at this time.”
According to a report in the Free Beacon, the NRA offered three different ad variations featuring antique firearms on display at the museum, but all were rejected. “The NRA is surprised and disappointed that a publication purporting to be a guide to historic attractions in the nation’s capital would choose to censor history …,” said NRA spokesman Jason Brown.