In a recent Forbes piece penned by A1F contributor Frank Miniter, Jim Shepherd—an original founder of CNN and now editor of The Shooting Wire—provides insight on why the news network is so uniformly anti-gun, and clueless about guns to boot. “Part of what happened to CNN is what happened to Hollywood,” Shepherd said. “The news, like Hollywood, became trapped in creating and fawning over celebrities. Getting Anderson Cooper publicized became more important than breaking the big story.”
Shepherd also says that CNN picks stories based on what is featured in The New York Times and Washington Post, and anything else is likely to be overlooked. It’s not just CNN, he explains: Network news in general has fallen into a blinkered mindset, based on trusting a small stable of tastemakers rather than experts. Consequently, you can watch a story on guns without getting the perspective of someone who has ever fired one.