CA: Lt. Governor Pushes Anti-Gun Ballot Initiative

posted on October 16, 2015

As if California didn’t already have enough anti-gun laws that only affect law-abiding gun owners, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom has announced he will seek a ballot initiative in 2016 to greatly expand the state’s already restrictive firearm and magazine bans.

Newsom’s proposed measures would ban possession of normal-capacity (called “high-capacity” by gun-banners) ammunition magazines, require licenses for ammunition dealers, mandate background checks for anyone buying ammunition, make it easier to confiscate weapons from people not allowed to have them and require people to report lost or stolen guns.

Some California political observers speculate that the proposed ballot initiative might have as much to do with Newsom’s announced 2018 gubernatorial run as his disdain for guns and gun owners. Regardless of the reason, foisting more and stricter regulations that won’t be adhered to by criminals would, as in the past, do nothing but punish lawful gun owners.



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