CA Assemblywoman: A Loaded Glock Beats 911 On The Phone

posted on June 3, 2016

Republican California Assemblywoman Shannon Grove had some very frank counsel for her colleagues across the aisle: “I would rather have a loaded Glock in my hand than 911 on the phone.” Grove made her remarks on Monday alongside fellow Republican legislators on the state capitol steps in Sacramento, as part of a Second Amendment Freedom rally. The group of policy makers were reacting to several gun-control bills that, if passed, will further restrict gun ownership in California—and which critics call “Gunpocalypse.” 

“Bit by bit, new law by new law, these legislators are making it harder and harder for law-abiding citizens to own a firearm,” Grove said, accusing Democrats of carving away at Second Amendment rights because, “it puts too much power in the hands of … citizens.” Continuing her comments on the capitol steps as well as her Facebook page, Grove said her aim is to protect gun rights so the citizens of California can protect themselves.



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