We’d like to think that mothers wouldn’t steal from us. But if we thought that, we’d be disappointed in Michael Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action group.
The Demanding Moms have more than once criticized NRA for its Eddie Eagle gun safety message, which has been taught to more than 28 million children since 1988. The program’s lifesaving message: If you find a gun, “STOP! Don’t touch. Run away. Tell a grown-up.”
Now the moms have claimed NRA’s message as their own. A blog post on The New York Times, discussing a Demanding Moms safety initiative, stated, “That group co-founded a gun safety program that works with PTAs around the country. Children should be taught to leave the area immediately, not touch the firearm, tell an adult right away and call a parent, Ms. (Shannon) Watts said.” Sound familiar?
Read an extended NRA-ILA report on the Demanding Moms’ two-faced shenanigans by clicking here.