Michael Bloomberg, angel on earth? If you listen to him tell it, he’s one of the head archangels. In a "60 Minutes” interview, the billionaire, who’s dedicated his fortune to taking away your freedom, claims, “We’ve probably saved millions of lives, and certainly we’ll save tens of millions of lives going forward.”
The former New York City leader earned the nickname “Nanny Mayor” for his penchant to trying to control every facet of people’s lives—what they ate, what they drank, where they smoked and if they could own guns (a resounding “no”). His efforts, he boasts, have earned him an eternal reward: “When I get to heaven, I’m not sure I’m going to stand for an interview. I’m going right in.”
The 75-year-old sworn enemy of the NRA has lived in his mega-wealthy penthouse world for so long that he can’t see how out of touch he is with reality. His $47 billion fortune won’t be enough to buy away our freedoms any more than it will be enough to get a free pass through the Pearly Gates.