Michael Bloomberg launched The Trace, his anti-gun news service, this week. Pronouncing, “we work from the facts,” the editors went on to claim:
“Thanks to legislative measures facilitated by the gun lobby, there’s basically no Centers for Disease Control funding for research into the causes of our country’s epidemic levels of shootings.” Because gun owners resent the use of their tax dollars for politically motivated “research.”
“Federal law-enforcement agencies are limited in the firearms trace data they can share with lawmakers and the press.” … who were misusing it to inflate statistics and make false claims.
“Gun companies are shielded from litigation that might bring greater transparency to their business practices.” Actually, they’re only shielded from frivolous lawsuits over criminal misuse of their products.
“Proposed gag laws would prevent doctors from even talking to their patients about basic gun-safety practices.” Because some medical groups want to ban guns by treating them like a communicable disease.