In an announcement that surprises no one, John Cardillo is claiming that portions of interviews with John Lott were taken out of Katie Couric’s anti-gun pseudo-documentary “Under the Gun” at the urging of none other than former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
In June, we told you how the documentary hadn’t included a single word of Lott’s interview, which ran four hours in length. More recently, during “The John Cardillo Show” radio program this month, the host told Lott—gun rights author and Crime Prevention Research Center founder—that “… my brother knows one of the financiers on the Katie Couric project—and he told me your footage from that documentary was cut after a private screening between Katie Couric and Michael Bloomberg.”
This wasn’t a huge surprise to Lott, who countered that “Bloomberg’s people” frequently cancel or shut down his appearances when they have the chance. Billionaire Bloomberg is spending millions to finance a number of anti-gun organizations and ballot initiatives, and seemingly has never found a gun-control law he doesn’t like.