Facing a backlash from gun owners and constitutional advocates, Robert Rotberg, who had proposed a sweeping new gun ban in Lexington, Mass., is now backtracking. The measure would not only ban the sale of semi-autos capable of accepting 10-plus round magazines, but would force the sale, destruction or surrender of currently owned rifles.
After dozens of individuals went before the Board of Selectmen to voice their disapproval, Rotberg decided to seek the opinion of his fellow Town Meeting members before moving forward. The letter he penned presented three options: “Defy the gun lobby” and ban so-called “assault weapons,” pass a (nonbinding) “modest resolution to the legislature that could accomplish less than an outright ban,” or “indefinitely postpone” the measure in favor of a town-wide conversation on guns.
History shows that the ban would result in a costly legal challenge while leaving crime rates unaffected. Let’s hope Rotberg gets all the discouragement he needs for moving forward.