A Redford Township, Mich., man who wanted a television from Santa decided he wasn’t willing to wait until Christmas. Early Friday morning, 79-year-old retiree Ron Henrick, who plays Santa every year, awoke to find his neighbor, 25-year-old Conrad Monroe, stealing his TV. He grabbed his 12-ga. shotgun, only to find that the 5’10”, 220-lb. man had spotted a weapon of his own—Henrick’s stationary bike. Before Henrick could shoot, Monroe “grabbed [the bike] and threw it at me … I [closed the door] and it tore up everything. Lucky I did that, because it probably would have killed me.”
Monroe got the TV—but his attempt to get at Henrick’s 1933 Plymouth was what put him on this Santa’s “naughty list.” If the thief returns for the car, Henrick warned, “He’s a dead man.”
Police believe Monroe—who was charged with home invasion—may also have stolen two TVs from a nearby house in July.