The Arizona Rangers will be able to spend more time at the range now that the NRA Foundation has awarded the unit with a $4,592 grant. The Rangers competed for the grant, citing training as a driving force behind the application.
The NRA Foundation money will be used for shooting range fees, targets and ammunition for training. Rangers, like other law enforcement officers in the state, have to qualify and stay certified in marksmanship. Typically, the individuals pay for training out of their pockets.
“We are very excited about this support for our ‘Train the Trainers; Firearms Instructor Cadre’ proposal,” said Maj. Mike Dargus, chairman of the Development Committee, told the White Mountain Independent. “I am pleased the NRA is making an investment in our organization’s 19 companies and the communities they represent.”
NRA Foundation grants are funded, in part, through money raised at Friends of NRA events. So the next time you go to a Friends dinner, and you wonder whether you should take a chance on that raffle ticket, remember that the money goes to advance Second Amendment causes.