Arizona Man Uses Firearm To Ward Off Car Thief

posted on August 8, 2015

Antonio Silvas had gone into a Home Depot in the Phoenix, Ariz., area for a brief shopping trip; he returned to find Jose Reyes sitting in his car. “Originally, in my mind, I thought I had the wrong vehicle,” said Silvas. But the car was his, and Reyes had no business there. When Silvas confronted him, Reyes allegedly tried to stab him with the same screwdriver he had used to dismantle the car’s ignition.

Silvas’ firearm was in the car—not yet discovered by Reyes—and he managed to reach it in the course of the struggle. Silvas fired into the air, scaring off the suspect, who was later apprehended by police. Silvas will not be facing any charges for his act of self-defense.



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