Amicus Briefs Filed in Peruta Case

posted on February 28, 2017

Earlier this year, the case of Peruta v. California moved closer to a U.S. Supreme Court review after the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) filed a petition to the high court. The case challenges the Golden State’s ultra-restrictive system for enabling citizens to obtain a concealed-carry permit and the onerous requirement to show “good cause.” 

CRPA followed up on its earlier filing and submitted amicus curiae briefs last week in support of the plaintiff’s petition. The briefs come from a variety of diverse and influential sources—the NRA, 26 states, nine governors, six law enforcement associations, sheriffs from 17 California counties, six gun-rights organizations, and the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence.

It is expected that the Supreme Court will issue a decision soon on whether it will hear Peruta. This case underscores the need for NRA members and gun owners across America to contact their U.S. senators today and urge them to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch.



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