By now pretty much everyone in the country has heard of Ahmed Mohamed, the high school freshman in Irving, Texas, who was arrested and suspended for bringing a homemade digital clock to school that administrators said resembled a “hoax bomb.” While the incident highlights how American children are being brought up in an environment that privileges fear over imagination, at least the aftermath is working out to the young inventor’s advantage, with invitations to visit Facebook and the White House.
But Ahmed is fortunate that his supposed “hoax bomb” didn’t resemble a “hoax gun.” A Breitbart post by AWR Hawkins reminds us of the stiffer penalties leveled against younger students for drawing a firearm, bringing a Nerf gun to school or even chewing a Pop-Tart into the vague shape of a gun. While Ahmed’s case was met with nearly universal outrage, the so-called “mainstream” media somehow failed to give the others much mileage.