The usual suspects—Moms Demand Action and the Brady Campaign, to name just a few—aren’t waiting for a factual report on the biker shootout in Waco, Texas, before calling for draconian public policy changes. As they do after every obviously criminal abuse, they stoke the media emotion machine and set out again to stomp on the Bill of Rights. There is no evidence that the likes of Michael Bloomberg, Shannon Watts and Dan Gross make any material distinction between the (overtly criminal) Waco combatants and law-abiding gun owners.
If they hoodwink Texans into their “background checks for everything” scheme, criminal enterprises will simply turn for their guns to the same place they turn for the illegal drugs that often fund their operations—black markets. Only you will be left with firearms that can be confiscated using improperly (or even illegally) retained background-check data.