A rally was held in East Harlem this week decrying the recent violence that has swept through the surrounding area. When you hear about another “anti-gun-violence” rally, it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that this will be another covert push for gun control. Having said that, we were delighted to be wrong about this one.
Some residents stated a resurgence in “stop-and-frisk” stops might be beneficial to deter criminals. “They feel like they can get away with it,” said Serena Davis. “They feel like maybe I’m less likely to get caught if they’re not looking for that.” “Why is there not an outcry that the shootings have gone up the way they have …?” asked a preacher. “Is it just police shootings that we turn the streets upside-down?” He went on to lead his audience in a prayer for police officers. Many of the people present have lost family to violent crime. They are desperate for answers, and they don’t appear to be simply buying the gun-control narrative.