These gold-washed and silver-plated Remington Model 1871 Rolling Block pistols feature fine New York engraving in the style of L.D. Nimschke, and they also bear finely monogrammed ivory grips. The monograms read “cha” on one side and “m” on the other. They were once reportedly in the collection of magazine publisher and noted arms collector Robert E. Petersen, but the trail ends there: We do not know the original owner of this fine pair of .50-caliber Remington pistols. But similar embellished and ivory-stocked arms were presented to Wild West Show magnate Buffalo Bill and John Wallace "Captain Jack" Crawford, the poet scout.
The NRA National Firearms Museum at NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, Va.; the NRA National Sporting Arms Museum at Bass Pro Shops in Springfield, Mo.; and the Frank Brownell Museum of the Southwest at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, N.M.; all have fine selections of historic arms on display. Admission to each is free, and donations are gratefully accepted. For more information, visit nramuseums.com, phone (703) 267-1600 or email nfmstaff@nrahq.org. | Photo by Michael Ives