Two damaging anti-gun pieces of legislation are schedule for consideration this Thursday in the Washington state House Judiciary Committee.
House Bill 1387 would impose a registration-licensing system for so-called “assault weapons” and so-called “large-capacity magazines.” House Bill 1122 is vaguely written legislation that could potentially subject law-abiding gun owners to gross misdemeanor penalties, including huge fees and potential imprisonment, if they don’t lock their firearms up and render them useless for any self-defense scenario.
Both measures would further severely restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Washington citizens and should be vigorously opposed by the Evergreen State gun owners and others who care about freedom.
Use Your Power!
Washington state gun owners are encouraged to attend this hearing, set for Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., and voice their opposition to these anti-gun measures. You can also contact committee members that will be considering these bills by
clicking here.