February saw yet another impressive number of firearms purchased by Americans, maintaining a trend of each month eclipsing the number of firearm sales for the same month in the previous year that began last year. It’s a trend that’s showing no signs of slowing down.
Over 1.3 million background checks were conducted for the purchase of a firearm last month, a growth of more than 7% when compared to February 2019, according to new data from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).
“February’s adjusted NICS data shows us that Americans continue to purchase firearms in record numbers, while at the same time, their elected representatives in Washington, D.C., and the Biden administration plot to steal away their right to purchase firearms,” said Mark Oliva, director of public affairs for the NSSF.
To best reflect the number of guns purchased, the NSSF factors out checks processed through the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) that are unlikely to be used for the purposes of buying a firearm.
Oliva also said, “It’s not lost on the firearm industry that after a year of record-setting figures for gun sales, Democrats favoring gun control in both chambers of Congress are ignoring the will of their voters and introducing legislation to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens instead of concentrating efforts to reduce crime. It is staggering the tone-deaf response by politicians to attempt to curb gun owners’ rights and ignore criminals that break the law.”
If recent indicators are anything to go by, the Biden administration is about to try to gut our Second Amendment rights.
Nevertheless, Americans are continuing to exercise their Second Amendment rights in astonishing numbers.
February saw the third highest number of sales for the month on record, and though many retailers across the country are showing below-average inventory, the demand Americans are showing to exercise their constitutional rights is showing no sign of abating.
Last year alone saw more than 21 million background checks conducted for the sale of a firearm, with some estimates that over a third of those checks being conducted for first-time gun owners. It’s clear that Americans are voting with their wallets. One reason for this is clearly that the Biden administration openly wants to take away our Second Amendment-protected rights.