Garland Confirmed as Attorney General

posted on March 10, 2021
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Merrick Garland was confirmed as the U.S. attorney general on Wednesday by a 70-30 vote. 

America’s 1st Freedom has reported extensively on Garland’s disbelief that the Second Amendment protects an individual right. He has already said that there is more “room” for gun control in President Joe Biden’s plans. His track record in Second Amendment cases runs counter to American freedom and any honest reading of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights.

“Garland solidified his anti-Second Amendment credentials when he worked, unsuccessfully, to undo a ruling in Parker v. District of Columbia—the precursor to District of Columbia v. Heller—that struck down the District of Columbia’s complete ban on the civilian ownership of handguns and recognized that the Second Amendment protects an individual right,” America’s 1st Freedom previously reported.

“Given his long history of hostility towards the Second Amendment and gun owners, Judge Garland is the wrong choice to lead our nation’s Department of Justice,” said the NRA Institute for Legislative Action.

Perhaps best known for being former President Barack Obama’s nominee to fill the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court, Garland’s legacy may now be defined by what future actions he takes against your Second Amendment rights.

The new attorney general is just another in the growing list of anti-gun politicians that have joined—or presumably will soon join—the Biden administration.

America’s 1st Freedom will keep you up to date on any anti-gun actions taken by Garland and the Biden administration.



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