Looking for last-minute gifts for the gun owners in your life? Any of these will help them to understand their rights and enjoy shooting even more.
- Buy them an NRA membership. With it, they’ll get this or one of the other NRA monthly publications. The magazines may help “normalize” gun ownership for new gun owners who didn’t grow up in hunting or shooting families. The magazines also showcase guns, gear and activities in which they might be interested. And, of course, most of all, the publications help educate gun owners—whether longtime or new—on the politics that so often affect this right. And, as NRA members, they’ll also qualify for discounts on everything from cigars to travel. (Bonus: You’ll be helping the NRA to fight those political battles as they come up!)
- Purchase them a seat in an NRA firearms course. Better yet, purchase two seats and come alongside them on their journey. This gift option is also good for longtime and new gun owners—there’s always more to learn!
- Set up a time to take them to the range and pay their entry fee. Maybe even buy them a box of ammo there!
- Pay for their entry to the Great American Outdoor Show (Feb. 5-13, 2022, in Harrisburg, Pa.) and/or the NRA Annual Meetings (May 27-29, 2022, in Houston, Texas). At both shows, they’ll enjoy presentations, guns, gear and just being with like-minded folks. And both are just a darned good time.
- Purchase the collectable NRA 150th anniversary book, To Keep & Bear Freedom, or other interesting and useful items from the NRA Store. True, this gift probably won’t arrive in time for Christmas, but trust me, they’ll forget all about your gift being late when they see how awesome it is!
Merry Christmas or happy holidays from all of us here at NRA America’s 1st Freedom!