Second Amendment Supporter Lauren Boebert Wins Congressional Election

posted on November 13, 2020

Lauren Boebert has won her election to become the member-elect for Colorado’s 3rd congressional district.

“I never wavered from my love of country, the fight for freedom, and the strength of my support for the Second Amendment,” Boebert told America’s 1st Freedom.

Boebert famously faced off against former Congressman—and failed presidential candidate—Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas). When O’Rourke admitted to the world that “Hell, yes” he intended to confiscate semi-automatic rifles during a debate last year, Lauren Boebert traveled several hours to attend one of his town hall meetings in Aurora, Colo.

Hell, no, you’re not,” she said, amid jeers and booing from O’Rourke’s supporters. Boebert then pointed out how more gun-control laws could leave women defenseless against criminals who don’t follow the law anyway. “I would like to know how you intend to legislate evil,” she said, “because a criminal by [definition] breaks the law.”

Video footage and news reports of the confrontation quickly went viral online. Boebert turned that attention into a successful campaign that advocated for conservative values. She ultimately defeated Democrat nominee Diane Mitsch Bush in the general election.

“My victory, hopefully, will motivate other like-minded patriots to run for office, ignore the political consultants, be true to yourself and focus on spreading the message that securing our rights is something the majority of voters believe in,” Boebert said. “It was a great victory for all of those who believe in our country and the vision our Founders had for a government of, by, and for the people.”

Boebert received an “A” rating from NRA-PVF and earned President Donald J. Trump’s endorsement after winning the Republican primaries. She also owns Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colo., which is known for its waitstaff openly carrying firearms.



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