If you want to sell a gun or give a gun to a family member, you might want to think about doing it soon for, alas, if the incoming Democratic Party majority has its way such transfers will be more costly and difficult.
U.S. Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., apparently is behind a push to require background checks on all gun sales—their remedy for closing the so-called gun show loophole. Thompson says introducing the bill will be one of the first things on his agenda.
The specifics in the bill have not been publicized, but Thompson promises, “It will be strong legislation to expand background checks, and I will have a very respectful show of [co-sponsors]. I think you will see it happen in the first 100 days.”
This is pledged, despite the fact that such a measure would have little chance of getting through the Senate. But the anti-gunners apparently will be doing their darnedest to keep gun control in the public eye as they maneuver to win the 2020 elections and push through all the restrictions on their dream sheet. And the movement claims bipartisan support, as New York Republican representatives are reportedly ready to sign on to the effort.
Not that any similar measure has proven effective when it comes to curtailing criminal activity. Thompson’s home state has had similar requirements for a few decades, and yet it has done little to stop mass attacks, like the November attack in Thousand Oaks.
No gun control advocate ever seems to acknowledge that the reason more restrictions don’t work is because criminals, by definition, have no problem flouting the law. (Of course, the lower courts don’t seem to have a problem defying Supreme Court rulings on guns, either.)
So, prepare for liberals to go full-speed-ahead with their efforts to make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their loved ones.