They call Missouri the Show Me State. Well, Missouri voters ought to demand that of their political candidates.
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action group released a video recently showing Sen. Claire McCaskill as being supportive of restrictions against law-abiding gun owners. Whether it’s a ban on “high-capacity” magazines or just about any other gun control measure, McCaskill is all in on supporting new laws that infringe on our Second Amendment rights.
And, no surprise here, when an undercover Project Veritas staffer asked one of McCaskill’s staffers the reason for hiding her views, the answer was simple. Her gun control views “could hurt her ability to get elected.”
Apparently McCaskill’s strategy is to put on a façade of being a “moderate” Democrat, so she can sway some voters who might be on the fence when it comes to key issues.
Looks like she has shown them—her true colors.
McCaskill took offense at the revelations and went on Missouri news stations criticizing it, but O’Keefe had a measured response.
It’s time for Missourians to thank her for doing them this favor. When you go to the polls Nov. 6, cast your vote against McCaskill.