First Gear | NRA Annual Meetings, Day II


Self-defense ammunition
Self-defense ammunition

How To Get The Most From Your Self-Defense Pistol

When it comes to getting the most from your self-defense pistol, ammunition is a good place to start.

Young Adults Have Constitutional Rights

A panel of judges found that the federal ban on FFLs selling handguns to 18-to-20-year-old adults violates the Second Amendment.

Anti-Gunners Want the Government to Pay for Their Propaganda

The Trump administration is cracking down on what many call wasteful, partisan government spending and anti-gun “researchers” are worried.

California Did What?

While California’s assistance to Mexico may surprise some, the attempt to undermine Americans’ Second Amendment rights shouldn’t.

Suppressors Are Preventive Medicine

Despite decades of outright hostility toward the very idea of gun ownership from academic medical organizations, they are now changing their tune on suppressors.

Pro-Gun Bills Reintroduced in Congress

These pieces of pro-gun legislation are worth following.

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