Proposed NICS Fee Bill Would Also Create Gun Registry

posted on October 25, 2017

A measure introduced in Congress that would require gun purchasers to pay a fee for their NICS background check would also create a gun registry of firearms sold to law-abiding Americans.

The bill, House Resolution 3987 by U.S. Rep. Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y., calls for gun purchasers to pay a $1 fee for each NICS check, with the first $10 million in fees collected going to the anti-gun Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In other words, law-abiding gun owners who obey the law would pay their money so an anti-gun entity could further blame us for criminal violence.

Additionally, the measure dictates that gun dealers maintain a written or electronic record of the NICS transaction fee along with a timestamped receipt for at least three years in addition to current regulatory requirements on sales and transfer records. If you have any doubt that such registration has often led to confiscation in the past, check this out.



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