Women Use Gun To Stop Intruder, Without Firing A Shot

posted on January 27, 2017

Talk about delivery from evil. Police say that a man who used a lawn statue of the Virgin Mary to forcibly enter a Maryland home was thwarted by two women—and a firearm.

Officers told The Frederick News-Post that two women were watching television around 11 p.m. when there was the sudden sound of shattering glass from a rear door. The two women ran upstairs, and as one called 911, the other grabbed her handgun. Both then approached the kitchen where they found a man, Jose Mauricio Escobar-Flores, holding a knife.

Although he ignored their orders to drop the weapon, they held him at bay until police arrived. A Frederick police lieutenant said, “They acted very wisely. One was explaining to the dispatcher exactly what was happening while the other was taking steps to defend themselves ... For an unfortunate incident, it was a very fortunate outcome.”

Escobar-Flores was arrested for home invasion and reckless endangerment, among several other charges.


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