When a group of Northeastern University students decided to hold a gathering on their Boston campus Thursday night, they billed it as a “Students Against Trump—By Any Means Necessary” protest. Approximately 100 students attended the so-called Students Against Institutional Discrimination (SAID) event.
As the billing indicated, this was more than just a protest, and it quickly turned the corner into inciting violence. In denouncing Donald Trump, Towsif Ahasan used a megaphone to urge the crowd to, “Exercise your Second Amendment right. Let’s make the NRA regret giving us the right to bear arms.”
SAID then went on to call for administrators to designate the school as a sanctuary campus. “We’re pushing for Northeastern University to make sure this is a safe space,” said another student.
It seems ironic that some at this “institute for higher learning” want to make the campus a safe haven, while at the same time calling for gun violence against Trump and his supporters.