President’s Column | Every Election Matters

posted on December 20, 2018
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Elections matter. Votes do count—sometimes for a generation and beyond. I am not just referring to the recent midterm elections. Let’s start with 2016, that pivotal year when NRA members helped elect President Donald Trump.

That election has mattered. A lot.

As one of the most openly pro-Second Amendment presidents in modern history, Trump has stood firm in his defense of our freedom. Not a single anti-Second Amendment measure has been adopted at the federal level in the last two years—despite fierce, even sometimes violent, protests and calls for restrictions on our rights. The president has remained rock-solid against the anti-Second Amendment national media and resolute in his defense of individual liberty.

With the exception of ensuring our national defense, perhaps no presidential action is more important than the appointment of justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. When Justice Antonin Scalia unexpectedly passed away, the appointment of Justice Neil Gorsuch to replace him was critical. But the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh was monumental! His confirmation should secure a pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court majority for decades.

The election of Trump has also resulted in significant, positive changes throughout the federal judiciary. As Randy Barnett, a libertarian legal scholar and Georgetown Law professor said about Trump’s election, “The president only has power to do so many impactful things on his own. This was a pivotal moment for the conservative legal movement. They have new life.”

New life, indeed. The president has already placed 29 new appointees on the 12 regional circuit courts. One out of six federal appeals judges are Trump appointees. And there will likely be many more over the next two years.

Trump’s 84 judicial appointments to date, on both federal and appellate courts, far exceed the pace set by President Barack Obama in his first two years.

Legal analysts agree these presidential appointments could have a profound effect for decades to come. This bodes well for NRA members and all freedom-loving Americans.

Without doubt, the 2016 election mattered.

So did 2018.

The past midterms were not the watershed, blue-wave election for which the liberal Democratic socialists hoped. It was, in fact, a pretty typical midterm year in which the political party holding the White House usually loses ground. Going all the way back to the days of my old boss, Ronald Reagan, presidents almost always lose some seats in Congress during the midterms.

The difference now is in the aggressiveness of the new socialist-driven leadership in the House of Representatives. Many of them openly campaigned on impeaching the president, savaging his administration, even dismantling our NRA and destroying the Second Amendment.

 New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler, now chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has even talked about reviewing the Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme Court—seemingly as if that appointment can somehow be undone!

The last election matters because of three important things we will all now be subjected to for the next two years.

One: House Democrats will go after the president with every tool in the box. Investigations into the president, his family and his personal life—even his life before he was elected. They’ll investigate and dig and throw dirt at the president, his family and staff, Cabinet secretaries and their staff. All of it aimed at tearing down the president to defeat him in 2020.

Two: The anti-Second Amendment leadership in the House will come after our firearms freedom like never before. They want gun bans and registration schemes—measures that prevent honest gun owners from transferring a firearm to a friend or family member—federal licensing and increased taxes on firearms and ammunition. 

They’ll have the backing of the so-called “mainstream media” and millions of dollars in funding from super-rich anti-Second Amendment oligarchs. 

They will call them “gun control measures,” but it’s really part of their plan to disarm America—all of it aimed at seizing our freedom ... and our firearms ... and weakening the nra going into 2020.

Three: Get ready for the 2020 elections. That campaign has already started. Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Beto O’Rourke, Joe Biden, even Hillary Clinton ... and a crowd of others ... are already considering a run for president.

Campaign war chests and organizations are being built right now, many with millions already in the bank—all of it aimed at winning the White House
and imposing
anti-freedom Democratic socialism upon the rest of us.

Elections matter. None more than the next one.


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