Australia To Allow Import Of “Controversial” Shotgun

posted on August 14, 2015

Undeterred by outcry over a shotgun that despite utilizing 165-year-old technology that gun-grabbers were calling “rapid-fire” and “too dangerous,” the Australian government has decided to allow importation.

The Adler Lever Action shotgun had been proposed for import, but many Australians wanted the gun banned, claiming the lever-action gun with seven-shot capacity was just “too dangerous.” Sen. Penny Wright decried how “dangerous” the gun was, stating: “If this rapid-fire gun got into the wrong hands, there is a real concern that we could see a repetition of the tragic events we’ve seen in the past.”

On the other side of the issue, Sen. David Leyonhjelm told it like it really is. “These firearms are not dangerous, they aren’t used in crime, there’s nothing about them that warrants any special action,” Leyonhjelm said. “Nonetheless, there are some people who don’t like guns, and they see this as the next area in which they can encroach.”


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