Anti-gun legislators in New York are at it again. This time, they’ve introduced a proposal that NRA-ILA calls “one of the most absurd bills being introduced in the entire country.”
Democrat Sen. Roxanne Persaud and Assembly member Jo Anne Simon, also a Democrat, unveiled a measure that would limit ammunition purchases to twice the registered gun’s capacity once every 90 days. That means if you owned a six-shooter, you could only buy 12 bullets every three months. As the Brooklyn Daily Eagle admits, the practicality of limiting small-capacity gun owners to a less than a box of bullets is “unexplored.”
Persaud and Simon seem to think the proposal would deter terrorists. “Limiting the quantity and duration between purchases of ammunition is one step in preventing someone with criminal intent from easily accessing large quantities of ammunition,” said Persaud. Yet like all gun-control laws, it’s never the criminal who is affected—only the law-abiding.